The Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the European Union and the Southern African Development Community EPA Group came into effect in October 2016. The SADC-EU EPA Outreach South Africa initiative supports the implementation of the Agreement by providing information on its potential benefits. It comprises the Delegation of the EU to South Africa, the Department of Trade and Industry, the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and the South African Revenue Service. READ MORE
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Underpinning these trade rules is a detailed development chapter that identifies trade-related areas that could benefit from funding and enhanced support. As with all modern agreements, the EPA has a chapter on sustainable development. The parties reconfirm their obligations under international conventions and agree to uphold their environmental and labour laws.
The SADC-EU EPA includes a bilateral protocol on the protection of Geographical Indications. The EU gets protection for 251 GIs including 120 wines. South Africa gets protection for 105 GI names: 102 wine names and three agricultural product names — Rooibos tea, Karoo lamb and Honeybush tea. South Africa can add 30 agricultural product names in the future.
The agreement deals with new generation issues such as intellectual property rights, competition and investment, and public procurement. Parties agreed to cooperate on these issues and can consider negotiating in the future. If any agreements are negotiated in future, they have to be compatible with SADC Regional Framework.